When finished reading Please return me to…….

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Pens and Pencils.”

Yes i can see me going back. Actually I have never left there I love pens, pencils and paper. i love finding those quirky little stores that sell this stuff. i wish i could have one with comfy old ottomans, leather club chairs and slabs of mahogany, walnut or red gum as tables with lots of old coffee mugs full of pens and pencils to use by any one that drops in.   of course i would offer you a ‘proper’ cup of tea and some of those great recipes off books, blogging and baking or with the grains.

I once, watched, a doco. on a place in NE USA where they were rediscovering these fantastic printing presses and printing blocks.  the old warehouse had all of that and a paper making press, with hand carved tools.  it was so fascinating I want to go there to see it first hand.