When finished reading Please return me to…….

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Pens and Pencils.”

Yes i can see me going back. Actually I have never left there I love pens, pencils and paper. i love finding those quirky little stores that sell this stuff. i wish i could have one with comfy old ottomans, leather club chairs and slabs of mahogany, walnut or red gum as tables with lots of old coffee mugs full of pens and pencils to use by any one that drops in.   of course i would offer you a ‘proper’ cup of tea and some of those great recipes off books, blogging and baking or with the grains.

I once, watched, a doco. on a place in NE USA where they were rediscovering these fantastic printing presses and printing blocks.  the old warehouse had all of that and a paper making press, with hand carved tools.  it was so fascinating I want to go there to see it first hand.

Writers’ block please unblock

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “The Object of My Dejection.”

My current object of dejection is the 3 other novels that I have outlines for and character link ins to each other but no real story to tell.

The ideas are there BUt I have WRITERS BLOCK and seem to be a bit unmotivated to complete them.

My first novel which set the tone for these other 3 is currently sleeping under other ones at A well known publishing house.

Draft number 5 is buried with my father; as he encouraged me and liked the story.

This is after 6 drafts and re writes.    “they love the premise But are unsure if I may have missed that boats genre for the public…”

How do thee convey love …

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “The Language of Things.”

After thinking deeply about this. I remember when I did fall madly deeply in love .

So 5- 10 objects.

  1. A piece of dark Green Jade…..as it symbolises the deep ocean he loved
  2. A very smooth drinkable red wine.  For all those informal meals we had just with us.
  3. A leather bound notebook full of parchment paper because he loved the way I could use words. And the way i conveyed my/ our love in poetry or just notes.
  4. That black and white photo I had made up of him, his siblings and their dad.  When we all together at a wedding.
  5. The time Ashley qualified for the Olympic Team.. It was a culmination of all our hard work, friendship, mentoring and commitment ‘to the cause’. Sacrificing all of our needs over 3 years.
  6. The look on his face the day he proposed.
  7. The look on his face the day I said’I love you”.
  8. Bruce Springsteen CD’s   because that was his favorite.
  9. My heart the day it was broken forever.

Gut instinct you betcha!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Gut Feeling.”

When did I not have ‘gut feelings’???????

I really do feel like that is all my life has been constructed around. Yes I have made lots of rash decisions but hell, have not most people ; out there.  You have have you not???

I nearly made one just now, well an hour ago when the guy i was friendly with  – at first reckoned he was not seeing anyone else. But the lack of phone calls, texts and visiting went strangely dead this past week.  Gut said ‘you been dumped” in real world he reckoned no one. and just now “been seeing her for a week”

Wanted me to go straight over there and give him a piece of my mind.   but i have relented because that is what i do….LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE.

So celebrate gut feelings for they are the true force.